March 1999's
Glue of the Month

Chair Doctor Glue by Veritas

Everyone has a few old wooden chairs with that annoying creak. This glue is especially designed for this particular adhering challenge. Chair Doctor Glue swells the wood at the end grain of a spindle or rail, and then adheres it in place! Creaks and squeaks gone, never to return again. This is a glue with a specific function, and isn't really useful for other applications, but it really works, and it is designed for a purpose that not a lot of other glues can replicate. PVAs don't have the gap filling ability and epoxies don't have the low viscosity to allow them to be injected into small cracks, which are the source of the creaking. We think Chair Doctor Glue is worth it's place on your shelf of glues. People are talking about Chair Doctor Glue. We love it!

Available at Lee Valley tools.

C$5.952 fl oz
C$7.954 fl oz

(Just in case you are wondering: nobody paid us to say this. Nobody could ever pay us enough to give inaccurate info about glue!)

Past Glues of the Month

If you've discovered a glue that you've grown attached to, please let us know. Maybe we can honor your glue in a future month.

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