April 2001's
Glue of the Month

Stoneco Padding Glue

This is a PVA that is especially designed for book binding. It is acid free, flexible, non-toxic and very very thick and sticky, so it won't bleed through an average weight paper or make it wrinkle. It works well on all papers, card stock and fabric. It has an extremely short open working time, and dries fast, so you have to work quickly. It can be applied with a brush or spread with a spatula or piece of cardstock. It is water based so you can add water to lengthen the drying time. It is ideal for making books, boxes, binders etc. Stoneco is distributed by Sydney R. Stone & Co. only and can be ordered through their 1-800-668-6055 order line or through their web site at www.PrintFinishing.com. They also have many other book binding supplies.

Past Glues of the Month

If you've discovered a glue that you've grown attached to, please let us know. Maybe we can honor your glue in a future month.

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